Thursday, October 25, 2012

6 months

 Since I have totally failed at blogging since Andrew was born,  I thought I would not fret about the past. And start now here are My top ten Favorite things about Drew at age 6 months.

1. Andrew has amazing motor skills. The Dr. told us last week that he is at 9 month level. Its hard to keep up with him sometimes.

2. Andrew is Focused when there is a task at hand. He is very serious and "takes it all in" when there is something new to learn.
I love the little pursed lips he gets when he focuses!

3.He has great eye contact with others.  I have had strangers and friends tell me that my son is "staring them down" I tell them "I'm sorry he's just learning your face, he really is a happy kid!

4. His Blue blue eyes. Certainly not from mom or dad! I think he gets it from Grandma.

5. Drew is on buff Kid, He can do a sit up, and when it comes to being a "potato sack" over his dads shoulder, He would rather plank it.

6. He is a fast crawler, he sometimes gets so excited and trips over himself. He started crawling at just 4 1/2 months! Yikes for me :) but he is happiest when he has freedom to go where he wants!

7. He is very expressive with his eyebrows, while babbling nonsense. It cracks me up, he seems to thing I know what hes saying. . He gives me the look of "really mom?" And sometimes a flirty double lift its hilarious. 

8. He feels the need to pull himself up and stand on EVERYTHING, couches, stairs, wall, and yes he has even attempted the toilet. Oi I felt like a bad mom when I found him pulling that one. 

9. He is fearless, which can be problematic at times. He stands and forgets to hold on then attempts to turn and falls, he has already tried to go up the stairs, he tries to launch himself out of the crib.he does anything he can to avoid being cuddled- seriously it makes me sad has almost undone the buckle of his seat belt.

This is how rebels use the walker. 

I turn my head for two seconds and he has not just leaned on it he has climbed...

this is him escaping his bumbo

10. His SMILE!


  1. hi Bradshaws! Dustin and Jessie here... we can't believe Andrew is crawling and practically walking... how crazy! Clara is just a week or two younger and she's started sitting- but that's about it. I guess I can be grateful I don't have to chase her around the house yet! Hope you're enjoying the townhome... it's strange to see our old place in your pictures. We miss it there!!

  2. Good looking kid! Miss you guys!!

  3. wowza! he is growing so fast! that is amazing what he is doing! Thomas can roll over - one way. That's about it. :) hehe. I don't mind though, since I've got busy Michael. :) what a cute kid! we want more updates on this blog!!!!
